2nd Genius Hour Reflection

This Genius Hour went very well. I was able to find an expert this time (even though I haven’t met with them yet), I completed my end goal and even had a few extra tricks, and I hit most of my tricks during the presentation. I also learned a lot about yo-yoing that I didn’t know before and I am going to learn more yo-yo tricks on my own time. I had lots of fun doing this Genius Hour and I got to show my friends my yo-yo tricks.

Week 10

I lost my yo-yo. Last week after Genius Hour I brought my yo-yo to gym with me. I had left it in the large gym next to my friend’s stuff while we went outside, but when I came back inside it wasn’t there. I bought another yo-yo on amazon and for now I have a different yo-yo. I haven’t been able to do much this week and I’m still waiting for a reply from my expert.

Week 9

I have signed up for the one-on-one now. He got back to me but he wasn’t available so I am trying to find a different time to work with him. I was able to hit “loop the loop” this weekend and I tried “around the corner” and “over the falls” but I wasn’t able to complete them. I also rehearsed for the presentation a few times and made sure I was pretty consistent with all my tricks.