Week 3

At home I was able to find my raspberry pi but I didn’t have time to test it out. Over the next week I will test my raspberry pi and hopefully be able to bring it to school next wednesday. Today I kept working on learnpython.org and completed “basic string operations” and “conditions”.

Week 2

I think I’ve found out how Python and Pygame work and how to get them. My raspberry pi should have them automatically installed but I still have to find my raspberry pi and figure out how it works. At home I will try to find and test it. I have also found a good tutorial on how to recreate snake. Once I am done learning the basics I will go through that tutorial to make my first game and then try making my own game.

Week 1

To learn how to code I am using learnpython.org. I have completed the first three assignments on there, hello world, variables and types, and lists. so far I have learn’t how to print text, work with numbers, and make lists. When I was working on it I realized that Python can’t make games, if I want to make a game I need to have Pygame to turn the commands into an actual game. Today I am going to do more research on how Pygame works and maybe do more lessons on learnpython.org.

Genius Hour Planning

I am going to learn how to code with Python, and maybe with JavaScript. For my final project I am going to make a small platformer game using all the things I’m going to learn to do. I hope to include: Basic movement, semi-solid platforms, buttons and levers, movable objects, and a checkpoint and finish. I am going to start by learning how to do basic things in python, movement, platforms etc., then learn some harder stuff like buttons, semi-solid platforms, and checkpoints. I will need a computer/chromebook and I have a raspberry pi that has python built into it so I will probably use that for the coding.